How to Remineralize Filtered Water for Optimal Health

Remineralizing filtered water is non-negotiable if you are using reverse osmosis water filteration or distillation! Water is essential for our overall health and well-being, but did you know that not all filtered water is created equal?
While filtration systems effectively remove harmful contaminants, they can also strip away essential minerals that our bodies need.
In this blog post, we will explore the importance of remineralizing filtered water and provide you with practical solutions to ensure your water is both clean and mineral-rich!
Why remineralizing filtered water is important for your health
Why should you care about remineralizing ro water? Because minerals are a essential to your health.
The vital role of minerals
Minerals play a crucial role in maintaining optimal health. They are involved in various bodily functions, including energy production, muscle contractions, nerve transmission, and maintaining pH balance.
When our water lacks essential minerals, it can lead to mineral deficiencies and potential health issues. Some of these involve accumulation of heavy metals, so we definitely want to prevent that!
Enhancing hydration
Minerals in water facilitate better hydration by improving the absorption and cell permeability of water molecules. Remineralized water ensures that your body effectively absorbs and utilizes the water you consume, keeping you adequately hydrated throughout the day.
What type of water needs to be remineralized
1. Reverse osmosis water
Reverse osmosis (RO) is a popular filtration method that effectively removes contaminants, but it also eliminates essential minerals this is why its important to know how to remineralize RO water. In the reverse osmosis process nearly everything is removed from the water.
Whether it is an under sink reverse osmosis, or whole home reverse osmosis system, if you rely on RO water, it is crucial to remineralize it to maintain a healthy mineral balance.
**There are a few reverse osmosis systems that do remineralize the water. One system that has a remineralization filter is Live Pristine, but mostly you need to remineralize reverse osmosis water.
2. Distilled water
Distilled water also removes everything out of the water, both contaminants and minerals.
3. Zero Water Pitcher
The Zero Water Pitcher is the only pitcher that I know of that filters It is similar to a reverse osmosis system but not exactly. This was the pitcher I personally used when I found out our under the sink water filter was not filtering fluoride.
The up side of the Zero Water pitcher is that it is widely availible and not very expensive. Unfortunately, this pitcher also leaves no minerals, so you do need to remineralize water from it.

Options for remineralizing reverse osmosis water
If you’re wondering how to remineralize water naturally, you’ve come to the right place. To remineralize ro water naturally there are several easy options.
1. Unrefined sea salt
Adding a pinch of unrefined sea salt to your filtered water can replenish minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium. Choose high-quality, natural sea salt that has not been overly processed or stripped of its mineral content.
My favorite brands of sea salt include:
- Celtic Sea Salt *my personal favorite
- Baja Gold
- Colima Sea Salt
- Redmond Real Salt
- Himalayan Salt (pink salt)
To remineralize water with himalayan salt, or any of these other options, put 1/8 of a teaspoon of salt into a 16 oz glass of water. Remineralization of water really is that simple!
2. Trace mineral drops
Trace mineral drops are a convenient and effective way to remineralize your water. These concentrated liquid supplements contain a blend of essential minerals to add to RO water that are in bioavailable forms.
Simply add a few drops to your glass of water, and you’re good to go.
Mineral additives for reverse osmosis water are widely available. Brands of trace minerals that I like:
- Aussie Trace Minerals
- Concentrace Trace Mineral Drops
3. Solé water
Solé water (pronounced so-lay) is a highly concentrated solution made by saturating water with unrefined salt crystals.
To prepare solé water, dissolve a large amount (about 1/4 of the way up the jar) of unrefined sea salt in a glass jar and fill the rest with filtered water. Let it sit overnight.
There should be some salt crystals left undissolved in the jar; that way you know the water is saturated with salt.
The resulting solution can then be added to your drinking water in small amounts to remineralize it.
- Use one teaspoon of solé to remineralize a glass of drinking water.
To create an isotonic solution (mimicking our blood), combine 1 part solé to 19 parts water. This will taste quite salty and it more for targeting hydration than just remineralizing.
4. Quinton
Quinton is a natural marine-based supplement derived from seawater. It contains a wide range of minerals and trace elements that can replenish mineral levels in your body.
I love Quinton for when you are feeling particularly dehydrated, such as after a stomach bug. The price of this option is higher than the options mentioned here, so I personally use Quinton more as a supplement than an everyday addition to my water.
Ways to filter water that does not remove minerals
Of course the main way to avoid having to remineralize water, is by using a type of water filter that does not remove the minerals in the first place.
Carbon-based filters
Carbon filters, such as activated carbon or charcoal filters, effectively remove contaminants while preserving essential minerals. These filters are widely available and can be used in pitcher filters, faucet attachments, or whole-house filtration systems.
Ceramic filters
Ceramic filters are another excellent option for filtering water without removing minerals. They work by physically trapping contaminants while allowing minerals to pass through. Consider using ceramic filters in countertop or under-sink filtration systems.
Water Filtration Systems that Do Not Remove Minerals
Here are some water filters that do not remove minerals that you can consider using:
- Pro One– countertop water filtration. They also have pitchers.
- Berkey– big countertop water filter, be sure to get the fluoride filter as well.
- Clearly Filtered Water Pitcher– love this one for those that can’t install an under the sink or whole home filter. They also have filtered water bottles!
- Epic Water Pure Pitcher– another pitcher option.
- Greenfield Water– whole house water system, and under sink systems. Their filters also structure the water.
Read more: The Benefits of Structured Water
How to increase your mineral levels if you have not been remineralizing water for a long time
I write this section out of personal experience. Before I knew anything about water or minerals, I spent 4 years drinking reverse osmosis water. One the one hand I wasn’t increasing my toxic burdern from water. On the other hand, I was severly depleting my body of minerals (which ultimately does increase your toxic burdern).
Don’t be me. But if this is you, here are some tips for increasing your mineral levels.
Consume mineral-rich foods
To compensate for any mineral deficiencies, incorporate foods rich in minerals into your diet. Leafy greens are a great option, as are seaweed and other sea vegetable. However, the absolute best is adding mineral-rich bone broth or meat stock to your meals.
A wide variety of vegetables and fruits can help maintain your mineral balance. Unfortunatly, due to the condition of our soils, which are very depeleted of minerals, this won’t be enough for most people.
Drink herbal tea instead of water
One way to add to the minerals that you are consuming is by making herbal teas or infusions.
Tea made of stinging nettle is particularly rich in minerals; don’t be surprised when your tea looks dark green, almost black! Other options include dandelion, red raspberry leaf and oatstraw.
As you work to raise mineral levels, try never to drink “plain water” or “pure water”.
Consider mineral supplements
If you’ve been lacking essential minerals for an extended period of time, you might benefit from mineral supplements.
Some options you may have heard about include shilajit, humic acid or fulvic acid, or just trace mineral supplements.
Consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner or a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner to determine the right supplement and dosage for your specific needs.
FAQs about How to Remineralize Water
Is remineralized water good for you?
Yes! In an ideal world with pristine spring water available, that would be best. Unfortunately our water is full of contaminants from chemical additives like chlorine to PFAS from plastic contamination in the oceans. Therefore, filtering our water is necessary and remineralized water is ideal if your filter removes minerals.
What is the best remineralization filter?
There are many great filter options, some of which I have mentioned in the article. However the best option FOR YOU will be based on the water quality of where you live. You may want to have your water tested for contaminants and then find an appropriate filter based on your report.
Is remineralized RO water safe?
In my opinion yes. Remineralized water is just water that has had minerals added back in. But only you can determine if your water is safe for drinking. If you’re not sure, find a local water testing option.
How do you make RO water alkaline?
If you’re wondering how to make reverse osmosis water alkaline, you may want to read my in-depth article on water pH. Simply adding minerals will make your water more alkaline.
Do you recommend bottled reverse osmosis water?
If you’re in a situation where you need to buy bottled water, then generally speaking I would recommend to get spring water which will still have minerals in it. If that’s not an option then adding minerals to RO water is always possible.
That said, don’t stress about one time situations. The most important water to worry about is that which you are drinking most of the time at home. In that case it is important to know how to remineralize water after reverse osmosis or choose a filter that does not take out minerals.
Final Thoughts on Remineralized Water
Remineralizing filtered water is a simple yet crucial step towards optimizing your health. By ensuring your water is mineral-rich, you can support proper hydration, replenish essential minerals, and promote overall well-being.
Choose one of the remineralization options discussed in this post and make it a part of your daily routine. Your body will thank you for it!
Remember, every small change you make towards a healthier lifestyle can have a significant impact on your long-term well-being. Start remineralizing your filtered water today and take a step towards a healthier, more vibrant you!
Hello, regarding Trace Mineral’s “Concentrace” product, are you concerned about the sourcing from Utah Great salt lakes and the heavy metals/mercury levels there (in addtion to heavy industry around the area). What is your stance on this? I tried Aussie Trace Minerals, but the taste is a little strong for me and i’m looking for another supplier of trace mineral drops that i can afford. Right now, Quinton is out of the picture for me. Thanks.
Hi Lauren, That’s a great question. The answer is yes and no. Yes I am concerned about contamination. However, almost all sources of minerals will have some sort of contaminants at this point in time. There was a recent Mamavation article about heavy metals in salt that found metals in some of the most commonly recommended salt brands, including ones I personally use.
The way to mitigate this is two-fold: rotating mineral supplements and consuming a nutrient dense diet. So in terms of Concentrace I still include it in my rotation, but I don’t use it exclusively for months at a time. The most inexpensive way to remineralize water is to use sole, but again rotate the type of salt that you use. I also try to rotate spring water in from time to time, despite the problematic concern about micro plastics and nano plastics.
Ultimately, if your body is well mineralized because you are eating a highly nutrient dense diet, then the metals are less concerning. It is when our terrain is weaker that metals become a problem because through ionic mimicry they take up spots in our body that would normally be for minerals. I hope that helps!
Hello Daphna,
Apologies for the long post.
First of all, I have to say your articles are wonderful. You manage to take a panoptic, balanced, and sensible view of a subject and explain it in a very human way. I’ll be sure to recommend your website to anyone looking for help in their healing process.
My family, friends, and I have been searching for information on the remineralization of water for a long time. The tap water in our area is quite horrible, and there’s a lot of controversy and corruption surrounding it.
We have access to rainwater (lab tested for safety) and distilled water for remineralization.
Perhaps you could assist us in clarifying our confusion.
I’ll share here some information we’ve gathered so far.
1. Types of Minerals: We hear about macro-minerals, micro-minerals (trace minerals), electrolytes, ionic minerals, and other elements.
2. Isotonic Solution and Solé water: Isotonic solution (which mimics our blood) uses Solé water (which mimics the ocean?).
3. Mineral Balance and Oceans: We’ve heard that “the balance of minerals in the fluids of the human body correlates strongly with the concentration in the oceans” (
and in some trace mineral products marketing texts they said this is the mineral profile we should aim to consume.
4. Experience with Trace Minerals Drops: We know it’s not scientific, but intuitively, just from how it tastes and feels, adding drops of Trace Minerals to distilled water didn’t feel nourishing or hydrating to us at all! We suspect that the few drops don’t make the distilled water “fully saturated” like Solé water. We also guess that natural spring waters from around the world (which do feel very satisfying!) have been sitting in their aquifers for years, becoming fully saturated with various minerals. So, do Distilled water + Trace Minerals drops fail to fully mimic and replace mineral spring waters.
5. Full-Spectrum Remineralization: While many recommend using just Trace Minerals drops, could adding other minerals (such as electrolytes and macro mineral powders) help achieve a “full spectrum” and “fully saturated” mineral composition that better mimics the revered natural spring waters?
6. Mineral Springs vs Solé water: While Solé water may have a mineral composition similar to ocean water, does natural spring water share this composition?
Perhaps one main difference is the high sodium content in seawater.
Some people, such as Dr. Berg suggests we should consume a daily ratio of sodium (1000 mg/day) to potassium (4700 mg/day). (Of course, not all of these minerals need to come from water.) Could this ratio be related to the differences in minerals in spring water versus seawater, and is this Sodium-Potassium ratio be relevant to our quest to remineralize similarly to natural spring waters?
To summarize: We hope to create richly saturated mineral water that mimics natural springs and would greatly appreciate any advice on how to achieve this.
Products we’re considering: Trace Minerals Keto Electrolyte Powder, ConcenTrace Drops, AquaTru Perfect Minerals, Swanson Ionic Trace Mineral Drops, Anderson Sea M.D. Concentrated Mineral Drops, Aussie Trace Minerals, Hydro-Boost by AlkaZone, Santevia Mineral Stones, Celtic Salt, Himalayan Salt, etc.
Thank you very much for any guidance!
Can I leave the remineralized distilled water with sea salt on the counter (1 liter) or do I have to put it in the fridge?
Hi Lise, You can leave it on the counter, as you would any other water.