Resolving my Indigestible Morsel Conflict

Resolving an indigestible morsel conflict sounds like absolute jibberish! So in regular-people speak: figuring out why I had IBS and how to get rid of it, for good!
This post will be a little different than my usual content because this gets to the real real real root cause of many digestive issues.
This blog post will briefly explain German New Medicine (aka Germanic Healing Knowledge), the “indigestible morsel conflict”, “tracks”, and how they may relate to your digestive problems.
If you’re wondering how this is even related to the GAPS diet, scroll to the end!
Caveat: this root cause is primarily in adults. For many children, this may be a part of the picture, especially looking from an inter-generational perspective, but usually the toxin burden is the primary stressor we need to address first.
But in order to explain all this I need to back up and tell you my story.
Why I needed to resolve an Indigestible Morsel Conflict
Let me take you back to 2015. I had recently moved countries, leaving behind a community of friends and support. I was living in a place with more exposure to toxins: poor water quality, more pesticide exposure, a lot more EMFs, and a hectic pace of life.
I had a three year old and a one year old, was breastfeeding and not sleeping through the night. I was worried about our living situation, and then within a span of a couple of months I witnessed a burglary and a mugging at gunpoint.
Is it any wonder I developed digestive problems for the first time in my life?
[Aside: I actually came upon the GNM website way back then in my deep dive into the internet rabbit hole trying to solve my digestive issues, but of course was not in the headspace to actually understand or act upon this knowledge. Such is the journey of a practitioner.]
Root Cause of Dis-Ease
In the nutrition world many will speak about the root cause of health issues to be nutritional deficiencies and toxins.
In functional medicine you will often hear about three root causes (why dis-ease manifests). Those are toxins, poor nutrition, and stress.
In the German New Medicine paradigm, there is a space for toxins, but the main root cause is stress, and specifically an emotional stress or conflict.
This will be a very brief overview of a complicated yet fascinating body of work. For more information you can go directly to the English website about GNM. Let’s get into it.
What is German New Medicine?
German New Medicine, also known as Germanic New Medicine, or GNM for short, is a groundbreaking understanding of the mind-body connection developed by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer.
Dr. Hamer, a German physician, made remarkable discoveries after experiencing a personal tragedy, leading him to question conventional medical beliefs.
His extensive research and observations led to the formulation of German New Medicine, which challenges traditional medical paradigms and offers a unique perspective on the origins of diseases and their connections to emotional conflicts.
German New Medicine revolves around five fundamental biological laws that explain the relationship between our psyche, brain, and physical symptoms. These laws shed light on the purpose and significance of our body’s responses to emotional conflicts.
Understanding these laws can empower us to address the root causes of our health challenges effectively.
The 5 Biological Laws
The five biological laws of GNM explain that manifestation of dis-ease (also called a Significant Biological Special program- SBS) originates in a conflict-shock.
The type of conflict, corresponding to it’s location in the brain, will determine which part of the body will be affected. (Lots more details here, but we’re keeping it simple). Each SBS runs in two phases: the conflict active phase and the healing phase.
Usually we begin to experience symptoms during the healing phase. Microbes play an essential role in this, to either help the body breakdown or rebuild tissue. All of this happens to help us survive (nature makes no mistakes).
What is the Indigestible Morsel Conflict?
There are many different types of conflicts that we can encounter such as a shock, a separation conflict, a territorial conflict, and more. An Indigestible Morsel Conflict is a term coined by German New Medicine to explain the internal struggle that occurs when our body has to deal with something that is difficult to digest.
The “morsel” could be a physical piece of food, but it could also be mental, emotional, spiritual, or even a combination of all four. For example, a piece of news that is hard to accept, anger at a person or situation, or inability to absorb “digest” a situation.
The Indigestible Morsel Conflict often manifests as problems in the digestive system, and can be broken down into two distinct phases: the Active Phase and the Healing Phase.
The Active Phase
The Conflict Active Phase is the initial reaction to the Indigestible Morsel Conflict. During this phase, the body is struggling to find a way to process the conflict.
This is when the body is in a state of heightened stress. It is during this phase that the body is working to find a way to come to terms with the conflict and process it in a healthy way. It may increase cell growth in certain parts of the intestines.
The Healing Phase
The Healing Phase is when the body begins to resolve the conflict and come to terms with it.
The body invites certain bacteria or fungi to come break down the extra cells that were built, which may manifest as diarrhea or vomiting. This could also manifest as so called “fungal overgrowth” like candida.
What are tracks?
Tracks are a term used in GNM to describe the physical and mental pathways created in the body when it is dealing with a conflict.
Tracks are the pathways that the body takes to process a conflict and can be a powerful tool for understanding the body’s reaction to a challenging situation.
Tracks can also be used to reactivate an Indigestible Morsel Conflict. This is called
Hanging Healing.
What is hanging healing?
Hanging healing, is when the conflict reoccurs before complete resolution. The body is oscillating between the conflict active phase and the healing phase, making symptoms come and go.
A reactivated Indigestible Morsel Conflict is a conflict that was initially processed but has been triggered again due to a similar or related experience.
When a conflict is reactivated, the body will follow the same track it initially created to deal with the conflict, and this track will become more intense as the body works to resolve the conflict again. For example, IBS that “comes and goes”, is a common example of hanging healing.
Any condition which becomes chronic is usually the result of hanging healing. Common examples in terms of digestion, can be Crohn’s or food allergies and sensitivities. In the case of a separation conflict which manifest on the skin, this could look like long standing eczema, for example.
GNM and GAPS Diet
How does the German New Medicine Paradigm fit with the GAPS Diet? It fits simply and well!
In order for the body to function correctly, it uses microbes to help the body heal from conflicts and external poisoning (such as poisoned water/food/air that we take in). Remember, that those are the two main causes for manifestation of dis-ease.
However, if the body does not have sufficient microbes because of over use of anti-biotics (my case), or other factors which alter the gut flora, then completion of the healing phase can not happen!
The unfortunate reality is that at least in the Global North, we have significantly depleted our beneficial micro-flora through antibiotics, pesticides (like glyphosate), and several generations of eating a diet that harmed the balance of microbes in our gut flora.
Using the GAPS nutritional protocol rich in fermented foods and nutrients to sustain a healthy gut bacteria, is an important way to help bring the body back into balance.
GNM is the shortcut
After living a more holistic lifestyle for several years, discovering the GAPS diet and using it to make significant improvements to my health and my child’s, I was looking for the shortcut.
What is the shortcut to make this journey easier, faster, more efficient? And why was it, that every time new stressors would crop up, symptoms would start to creep back.
The purpose of understanding tracks and how they can reactivate an Indigestible Morsel Conflict is to be able to recognize the signs that a conflict is being reactivated. This can be helpful in recognizing when the body is struggling to process a conflict, and in understanding what steps can be taken to help the body heal from it.
By understanding tracks and how they can reactivate an Indigestible Morsel Conflict, I was able to think back to the very beginning of my struggles with digestive health, figure out that initial “morsel” that triggered the conflict, and see how it was showing up in my life over and over again. Then and there, that conflict was resolved once and for all (with all the symptoms of a healing phase).
Now it bares mentioning, that as humans, we will experience conflicts throughout our life. Sometimes we experience multiple conflicts at the same time. While I resolved that big indigestible morsel conflict, that doesn’t mean that there haven’t been other morsel conflicts in my life, nor that there won’t be any in the future.
The Takeaway
Understanding GNM should encourage you to prioritize your mental and emotional well-being, try to resolve long standing stressful situations, re-imagine the way life could look, develop a spiritual practice and look to community as pillars of health.
And if you’re not there yet, that’s ok. Let me help you start the GAPS Diet, bring back those beneficial microbes, and let them get to work helping your body begin to regain balance.
Alternatively, in our Bridge the Gaps program we use removal of barriers, nourishment, detoxification of toxins and connection to ease into dietary and lifestyle changes, which is great for those not wanting to commit to GAPS.
So don’t hesitate to book a discovery call and find out how we can help you regain energy, improve digestion, or help your kids with their health.